

Argentine and Mapendo and their families (6 children, 4 adults) fled Congo in February 2016. This is the 3rd time that they have been forced to flee Congo due to the instability and violence in Congo and their increased vulnerability as disabled women.  They fled to a refugee camp in a neighboring country and remained within the camp from February through August, in incredible difficult living conditions.



 Argentine was 4 months pregnant when they fled Congo and the refugee camp where they were located was in an extremely remote area where Argentine  had no access to appropriate health care.  The closest hospital was over 50 miles away. 


Fortunately we were able to get Argentine and Mapendo permission to relocate as refugees to the town where the hospital is.  This means they can live in houses with running water and electricity and that they can begin sewing again.  It also means that they can access medical care nearby.  In July Argentine gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Asante Mungu (This means Thank God in Swahili). 


We are incredibly thankful that Asante and Argentine are healthy, and in fact that all 3 adults (Argentine, Mapendo and her husband) and all 6 children are able to live in safety.  However, each day is a challenge.  As refugees outside of the camp, Argentine and Mapendo and their families receive no government or international assistance.  They must pay for their our rent, food, and the full costs of medical care in a country that is not their own.  That means that their sewing and your support is more crucial than ever as they try and survive as refugees on their own. 

For the long term we are excited that the Athabasca Interfaith Refugee Sponsorship Society, has applied to sponsor both families for resettlement in Canada.   This the chance of a life time and a chance these young families desperately need and deserve.  You can follow and support the fundraising for the resettlement here.

To all of our friends who have already donated to this fund don't worry, the applications are moving forward.  The refugee resettlement process can take several years, so sometimes it may seem very slow, but the applicatons have been submitted and are moving forward. 

We take one step after another, sometimes not knowing where each step will take us, but trusting in the great love and support that has brought us this far.  Thank you to all our friends.